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카테고리 없음

2011년 5월 26일 제 223회 토익 정답


1. 헤드폰 낀 여자가 컴퓨터 치는 사진.

She’s wearing a headset.

2. 책장 옆에 세명이 서 있는 사진 

Some people are standing by a display of books.

3. 상점에서 한 남자가 휴대전화를 고르는 사진

He’s holding some mobile phones.

4. 낙엽이 떨어진 공원에 네 명이 서 있는 사진

Some leaves have fallen from the trees.

5. 한 여자가 선반에 컵을 정리하는 사진   

She’s arranging mugs on a shelf.

6. 두 대의 불도저가 모래를 미는 사진

Machines are making tracks on the ground.

7. 건물에 걸쳐진 사다리에 사람이 오르는 사진

A building has arched openings.

8. 벽난로 위에 꽃병과 거울이 진열되어 있는 사진

(B) Vases of different sizes have been displayed.

9. 한 남자의 강의를 듣고 있는 사람들 사진

An audience is watching a presenter.

10. 다리가 있는 강에 배가 지나가는 사진

(B) A walkway protrudes into the water.


Q: Did you go to the concert?

A: No, I couldn’t.


Q: Who’s been assigned to the project?

A: Mr. Park has.


Q: Where are you meeting them?

A: In the lobby.


Q: What time do you leave for Dubai?

A: My plane leaves at 6.


Q: How can I get to Elm Street?

A: Take the first left.


Q: What was the topic of your presentation?

A: International banking.


Q: Which shirt do you like better, the yellow or the red?

A: They both look nice


Q: Isn’t the company president retiring this year?

A: No, not until next year.


Q: When will the next tenant pick up the keys?

A: Either July 30 or 31.


Q: Are you using the calculator, or can I use it?

A: You can have it.


Q: Would you like me to book a room for you?

A: Yes, for Saturday night, please.


Q: Why is the road closed to traffic?

A: Because of repair work.


Q: Where’s the invoice for the new air conditioner?

A: I put it in the file drawer.


Q: I really enjoyed your speech yesterday.

A: I’m glad you were able to come.


Q: Has Mr. Roy reviewed the agreement?

A: He hasn’t had a chance yet.


Q: Do you want me to distribute these financial summaries?

A: No, I’ll do it.


Q: We should tell Bill when we expect to arrive.

A: OK, I’ll call him now.


Q: Should I e-mail the revisions to you or to Jean?

A: I’d like to look them over.


Q: Ms. Masamoto’s office is the third door on the right, isn’t it?

A: No, it’s farther down the hall.


Q: Didn’t you cancel the lunch interview?

A: Oh no. I forgot to.

31. Q: When can you show me the plans for the new building?

(A) Once they’ve been approved.

32. Q: Who was in charge of the recent computer upgrades?

(A) An outside consultant.

33. Q: The mechanic left his tools, didn’t he?

(C) They look like his.

34. Q: Which employees were transferred to the company headquarters?

(C) Two people from the sales team.

35. Q: There are no seats left on the express train.

(C) We’ll have to wait for another one, then.

36. Q: I think we should advertise the open position on the Internet.

(A) On which websites?

37.Q: Why won’t the microphone turn on?

(C) Check the batteries.

38. Q: Who was that man I saw with Mr. Harmon?

(B) I think he’s a new colleague.

39. Q: How are the preparations for the seminar coming along?

(C) We’ll be ready on time.

40. Q: Call my mobile phone if I’m not in the office.

(C) Is the number on your business card?

41. What had the men offered to do for Martha Wong?

Pick her up at the airport

42. What does the woman suggest?

Using a car service

43. What information will she provide?

A telephone number

44. What is the conversation mainly about?

A new business

45. What does the man say is most important to him?

Fast services

46. What will start tomorrow?

The sale of baked goods

47. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A flower order

48. What does the man say that he has sent?

A fax

49. What does the woman ask the man to do?

Discuss some prices

50. What are the speakers scheduled to do on Tuesday?

Demonstrate some software

51. Why is the man unavailable?

He will be on a business trip

52. What does the woman suggest?

Postponing a presentation

53. What idea does the woman propose?

Getting new reading material

54. What did the man forget?

The title of a magazine

55. What does the man want the woman to do?

Look at some articles

56. What was praised in a review?

A concert

57. Why has Stephanie been riding the bus to work?

Her car is being fixed.

58. What do the women plan to do tomorrow?

Leave work together

59. What does the man tell the woman about?

An employment opportunity

60. What does the woman say she would like to do?

Open a business

61. What does the man suggest that the woman do?

Visit a Web site

62. What is the problem with the window shade?

They are the wrong sizes

63. What are the woman planning to do?

Exchange the purchase

64. What will the man check?

Whether an item is in stock

65. According to the man, what change will be made to the newspaper?

Intenational coverage will be expanded.

66. What does the woman say she has to do?

Consult her family

67. What does the man give the woman?

Details of work assignment

68. What type of business is the woman calling?

A moving company

69. What problem does the woman mention?

Her bill included unexpected charge.

70. What does the man say about Ms. XXX?

She sign the contract.

71. Where does the speaker most likely work?

At a laboratory

72. What is the listener asked to check on?

The availability of supplies

73. Why should the listener contact XX?

To place an order

74. What is the announcement about?

The new class

75. Who is Noah xx?

A fitness trainer

76. According to the speaker, how can listeners get more information?

By reading the newsletter

77. What is broadcasted?

A camera

78. Who is this broadcast intended for?


79. What are the listeners encouraged to do with the brochures?

To share with coworkers

80. What is the purpose of the broadcast?

To remind listeners of holiday

81. What does the speaker suggest the listeners do?

Arrive early for an event

82. What does the speaker say about the city bus?

Service is free of charge

92. Who is Martin Lombardi?

A movie director

93. According to the speaker, what did Martin Lombardi do in Peru?

He conducted research.

94. What are listeners invited to do?

Ask questions

95. What type of company does the speaker most likely work for?

A furniture design firm

96. What is the purpose of the talk?

To congratulate employees

97. Who has the speaker met with?

The public relations department

98. What is the purpose of the meeting?

To select a new board member

99. What does Constance Lee do?

She coordinates a volunteer program.

100. What will listeners most likely do next?

Review a candidate’s credentials

101. the accounting office (implemented) new billing procedures.

102. ~ technicians ~ are generally able to return customer calls in two (or) three hours.

103. Mr. Tao must receive a (revised) copy ~.

104. Plane delayed ~ should be able to leave (within) the next two hours.

105. Members ~ will decide among (themselves) who will lead the presentation ~.

106. ~ offers a (wide) range of stained-glass windows ~.

107. Do not cover ~ bar code when (applying) new price labels to packages ~.

108. Manuscripts ~ must be (formatted) appropriately.

109. A tour ~ will be led (by) Ms. P ~.

110. N installed new ~ software (so that) employees could check their work hours ~.

111. Keynote speaker A will address the ~ attendees (shortly) after dessert is served.

112. The ~ service offers (reliable) transportation ~.

113. When the order for ~ is ready, send A and B to pick (it) up.

114. The ~ program hopes to increase its (number) of donors ~.

115. Please (consult) k's email ~ to decide the location ~.

116. Since it s (creation) two years ago, the ~ department has proved to be invaluable ~.

117. As Mr. M’s assistant, you will be (responsible) for submitting his expense reports ~.

118. For the first quarter ~, G D Inc., reported earnings that were (higher) than average.

119. (Despite) poor initial review, the French restaurant improved ~ by the end of the year.

120. According to ~ analysts, A K has a good chance of (becoming) chief financial officers ~.

121. Ms. K seemed (truly) appreciative of our effort ~.

122. The H motor research team evaluated customers’ satisfaction ~ (through) questionnaires ~.

123. V International will award the contract to (whichever) advertising agency gets the most votes ~

124. The law firm ~ was hired because of its (reputation) for honesty ~.

125. G I Tour Group offers (competitively) priced vacation packages ~.

126. Construction on G Avenue may affect attendance at conferences ~ since the road is the most (direct) route ~.

127. Once next year’s budget (has been approved), department managers can make their final decisions ~.

128. Although the clerk typed the ~ number (carefully) ~, an error massage was returned.

129. Quality control personnel should not make (assumptions) about the safety of a new vehicle ~.

130. K Kitchen Design Center continues to raise ~ customer service (as a result of) ~ staff training program.

131. ~ all employees will carry out their work (diligently) ~

132. ~ led to a (decline) in its stock price.

133. ~ as the (speediest) laptop computer available ~

134. ~, even though the election predictions indicate (otherwise).

135. ~ are (hardly) visible from street level.

136. Any employee who is (considering) relocation ~

137. Except for (occasional) light rain, ~

138. Only the laboratory design ~ is (compliant with) both ~

139. The publishers have been under a lot of (pressure) ~

140. The board of directors ~ (deliberated) for more than three hours ~

[141-143] advertisement

141. A KV Express train (departs) each station ~

142. (Plus) you will receive a coupon ~

143. (Print) them and you will be ready ~

[144-146] product description

144. ~ is great for serious and casual cooks (alike).

145. (At the same time), the various settings ensure ~

146. ~ no less than other ice cream makers (comparable) on the market.

[147-149] letter

147. ~ the suite you reserved was (occupied) at the time of your arrival.

148. This is (our) way of apologizing the mistake, ~

149. please (select) any of our XX Cottage locations ~

[150-152] letter

150. This letter is a (confirmation) of the basic agreement ~

151. ~ customized software as well as the (sufficient) list of user manual.

152. (In addition), we have agreed that the total cost ~

[153-154] advertisement

153. What is being announced? - A schedule of exercise classes

154. What are interested people asked to do? - Enroll early at the center

[155-156] e-mail

155. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

- To request that a visit to a plant be arranged

156. What is Mr. Moon expected to do on Monday morning? - Attend a meeting

[159-161] e-mail

159. What is indicated about Mr. Paek? - He is scheduled to go to a conference.

160. What is indicated about the Avery’s Overlook? - It is on a hill.

161. What is NOT mentioned in the e-mail? - Advice about finding lodging

[162-164] advertisement

162. What type of service does Gabai.Inc. offers? - Business relocation

163. What is indicated about Gabai.Inc.? - It has highly skilled employees

164. What will Gabai. Inc. do at no cost to the client? - Evaluate service needs

[165-167] article

165. What is the article mainly about? - A department store's expansion plans

166. How many stores does Bergmann's currently operate? - one

167. What is implied about Finetine Brothers? - It is a competitor of Bergmann

[168-171] advertisement

168. What is suggested about the four books? - They have not yet arrived in stores

169. What author provides information about how to produce something? - Toshiyuki Wada

170. What is indicated about Expressive Press?

- It markets books that specialize in a particular field.

171. What is mentioned about the Karlsruhe Institute of Contemporary ARt?

- It exhibits works by less experienced artists.

[172-175] e-mails

172. What is one purpose of the email? -> To explain a procedure

173. What is NOT mentioned as a feature of Jet Ion? -> Tinted window

174. What does Mr. Nishad invite Ms. Copeck to do? -> Switch to a more popular car

175. How much will Ms. Copeck be charged if she doesn’t return the vehicle on time? -> $50

[176-180] Job announcement

176. What is NOT suggested about Powliss Engineering, Inc.?

->It plans to move its headquarter to Buffalo, New York.

177. What is a requirement for the position?

-> Ability to manage others

178. What is level III engineer expected to do?

-> write proposals and reports

179. What is suggested about level II engineer? ->They lead small-size projects

180. What does the job announcement suggest that an individual interested in the position should do? -> submit an application through the company’s Website

[181-185] menu and e-mail

181. What most likely is Mr. C’s job? - Catering manager

182. What kind of event is Ms. S organizing? - An office party

183. For what will Ms. S probably be billed extra?

- Requesting that drinks be served before the meal

184. What does Ms. S want Pines ~~~ Catering do? - Cut a cake

185. What is NOT true about Ms. S’s order? - The chicken will be served with herb butter.

[186-190] an announcement and a registration form

186. What is the purpose of the announcement?

- To promote a professional-development opportunity

187. In the announcement, the word “as” in paragraph 1, line 2 means - when

188. What is indicated about Ms. Nomura? - She has taught the Speak up course before

189. How much Mr. Lampton paid? - $ 65

190. Where is Mr. Lampton currently employed? - Harlington Financial Group

191. What is indicated about Ms. Pitzel? -

192. which is the word handle in the paragraph 2 line 2 the closest in the meaning to?


193. What type of publication are Ms. Pitzel expected to work on?


194. What is suggested about Wynne Publishing's Stat Times?

It will include topics on the art galleries.

195. What does Ms. Hanson suggest Matthew to do?

Meet to discuss about the project before September 2.

[196-200] article & e-mail

196. Which group was NOT involved in choosing nominees for the design competition?

Magazine publisher

197. Why is Mr. P writing to Ms. Jenssen?

To propose a project for her design firm

198. What is indicated about Choi and Jenssen Partners?

It has participated in other design competition.

199. What did Choi and Jenssen Partners probably win a prize for?

Package design

200. Where will Mr. P and Ms. Jenssen most likely meet?

In Seoul